All insects has six legs. Some has wings and even some ants have wings. Butterflys are also insects they also have colourful wings. When a butterfly lays an egg they always lay them on the leaf of a swan plant. When the egg hatches out comes some catipillars.After the catipillar has eaten enough enough leaves it soon turn s in to a chrycilis that hangs at the bottom of a brunch on the tree. Fopr a long time the chrycilis does not move or eat but there is something going on inside the chrycilis.A few days latter the chrycilis opens apart and out comes a beautiful colourful butterfly.
Spibers are scary but some are dangreouse not so dangreouse. My faviroute spiders are the daddy long legsthey dont harm You and they dont look pretty scary too. Some spiders live near plants some livi in buildings and some live in thethe conner of your house.Most spider make sticky web so it could catch other insects for dinner
Insects are very speacial some are inmportant.Just like worms.They can make soil so the plants could grow.S
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