“Get down get down,” the captain shouted. That’s when I realized that the Red Coates were heading towards the tree I was hiding behind. My heart was pounding and I was panting. I didn’t know what to do. That time I thought to myself “Am I going to die?”
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Neal Armstrong
The wonderful American hero Neal Armstrong has sadly past away on the August the 25th 2012. He died because of a heart surgery. People at America had known him as the first person who landed on the moon, “One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind” were his first words landing.
Landing on the moon was a race against them soviets. There was a cold war. So they decided that the first country to land on the moon wins.
Landing on the moon was a race against them soviets. There was a cold war. So they decided that the first country to land on the moon wins.
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Cross Country
Oh no it’s cross country training, nearly everybody hates doing that. “Why do we have to do it Mrs” I asked. She replied say “ It’s only a short run, cross country is coming up soon.
"When” I asked hoping that it was not a Tuesday. Luckily it was on a Friday where it was the end of the week.
The first time we went was pretty easy. But the only thing was that we got forced to keep running. Some teachers even told us that if we don’t start running we will have to spend our time in detention. That was the worst thing about practises that were short.
Later on in the week the teachers decided to make the training harder and longer. It was past the beach all the way to the farm gate and back. It was so far that I had to stop and have a rest on the way. But the teachers who were around kept telling me to keep going.
"When” I asked hoping that it was not a Tuesday. Luckily it was on a Friday where it was the end of the week.
The first time we went was pretty easy. But the only thing was that we got forced to keep running. Some teachers even told us that if we don’t start running we will have to spend our time in detention. That was the worst thing about practises that were short.
Later on in the week the teachers decided to make the training harder and longer. It was past the beach all the way to the farm gate and back. It was so far that I had to stop and have a rest on the way. But the teachers who were around kept telling me to keep going.
Some people cheated. As the first couple of people came back they would turn around, so that they don't have to run all the way. I think that it was a bad idea because
Smoking - Not My Future

Some people are all about being cool. They smoke because of that reason and because they are influenced by their friends. But they do it without looking into the future. Smoking causes health problems, can affect how you look and can waste your money.
Smoking is very a not good idea because it could cause many health problems. It is known that there are 4000 chemicals that are put into every cigarette. Smoking gives you a higher chance of dying, in fact 4500 people die in NZ every year. For pregnant women smoking is also very bad for the unborn baby.
Smoking can also affect the outside of your body. It makes you look old. Our class watched a video, where there was a man interviewing a lady who looked older than our teacher. But she wasn't. She looked like she was in her 80’s while our teacher is still in her 40’s. Which is half the age she looked like.
Cigarette is a also very expensive habit. In shops the price of cigarettes are $15 for one packet. It could cost you $105 a week if you smoke a pack a day. This could also cost thousands of dollars a year. If you are wondering why the government lets people sell them, it’s because they get a lot of money for each box of cigarettes that is sold. This is because the government has to spend lots of money on the health problems from smoking.
I really think that teenagers shouldn’t start smoking. Even if people in your family smokes I’d advise you to don't start. It is a really strong thing. Once you start you can get addicted to it. So the best idea is to keep away.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Walking Animation
Room 20 has been working on a little animation showing what we can do to prove that we can get more fitter.
Monday, August 20, 2012
Valerie Adams
Valerie Adams competed in the women's shot put in London. She put all her effort into it. Unfortunately getting her dream shaded. Visibly upset because she was beaten by a lady older than her by four years. Her name is Nadzeya Ostapchuk. Adam’s silver medal throw was 20.70m, while the gold medal throw was 21.36m. Adam could only manage 20.70.

Some people are all about being cool. They smoke because of that reason and because they are influenced by their friends. But they do it without looking into the future. Smoking causes health problems, can affect how you look and can waste your money.
Smoking is very a not good idea because it could cause many health problems. It is known that there are 4000 chemicals that are put into every cigarette. Smoking gives you a higher chance of dying, in fact 4500 people die in NZ every year. For pregnant women smoking is also very bad for the unborn baby.
Smoking can also affect the outside of your body. It makes you look old. Our class watched a video, where there was a man interviewing a lady who looked older than our teacher. But she wasn't. She looked like she was in her 80’s while our teacher is still in her 40’s. Which is half the age she looked like.
Cigarette is a also very expensive habit. In shops the price of cigarettes are $15 for one packet. It could cost you $105 a week if you smoke a pack a day. This could also cost thousands of dollars a year. If you are wondering why the government lets people sell them, it’s because gets a lot of money for each box of cigarettes that is sold. This is because the government has to spend lots of money on the health problems from smoking.
I really think that teenagers shouldn’t start smoking. Even if people in your family smokes I’d
advise you to don't start. It is a really strong thing. Once you start you can get addicted to it. So the best idea is to keep away.
Saturday, August 4, 2012
Were going Ice Skating!!!!!!!!
This term Year 7 team 2 are going on an outting, to Paradise Ice Skatting, where we could ice skate. We are going on August the 9th which is next Thursday. To raise money for this exciting event, we have had Bake Sales, both yesterday and today. These sweet treat were solat at our school, in the breeze and included cup cakes chocolate cake and spunge cake, that were one and two dollars each.
As sonn as the bell rang for morning tea, we had everything sorted and we were ready to sell. When. There were lot’s of people. We work so hard to give the coustmers what they wanted in a polite way. It was really difficul to give them the right change. The table we were working at was crowded, so we didn’t know who to give the change to.
The best part for me was the end. We all got to count up the money we have raised. The first day, we raised $160. The next day was $102. We maneged to get $202. I can’t wait to go on our exciting outting. Even though it was alot of work, I still look forward to the next Bake Sale.
As sonn as the bell rang for morning tea, we had everything sorted and we were ready to sell. When. There were lot’s of people. We work so hard to give the coustmers what they wanted in a polite way. It was really difficul to give them the right change. The table we were working at was crowded, so we didn’t know who to give the change to.
The best part for me was the end. We all got to count up the money we have raised. The first day, we raised $160. The next day was $102. We maneged to get $202. I can’t wait to go on our exciting outting. Even though it was alot of work, I still look forward to the next Bake Sale.
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Melanie Amro
Friday, July 20, 2012
The Weightlifter
Stereotype Poem

The message Joshua was trying to convey to us, is all about stereotypes. Don’t limit yourself from what other people think. Don’t be afraid to change yourself. Champions never give up is known as the message too. Even if not even one of your family has graduated from school, you can be the first.
Our response to his poem is that, stereotype isn't real no matter how many people believes in it. I think that the pathway to making your dreams come true is the three D’s, known as Determination, Dedication and Desire.
Click here to take you to his speech.
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Friday, June 29, 2012
Friday, June 1, 2012
This is a comparison of Matisse and Picasso.
Matisse and Picasso were both living in the same Era. They are two famous artists. Picasso is an unusual painter,who tries to paint in many different styles. His colours are not the same as what the other Artist does. Picasso has a painting called the Weeping Women. Which Matisse’s painting is called The Women with the hat.
Pablo Picasso and Henri Matisse have the same subject in their painting, however their themes are not the same. In the weeping women the theme is like someone suffering, and a war has just began. However the Women with the Hat is a mood that shows she’s not happy she’s not sad too.
Matisse and Picasso both use bright colors. There painting is unnatural and unrealistic too. PIcaso’s weeping women contrasts colours mainly red oranges yellow, contrasting with blue and green. Picasso also uses strong emotions. How ever Matisse uses different colours.
Picasso and Matisse both have different view’s. Picasso has two view point’s which is unnatural. Matisse uses one view.
Pablo Picasso and Henri Matisse have the same subject in their painting, however their themes are not the same. In the weeping women the theme is like someone suffering, and a war has just began. However the Women with the Hat is a mood that shows she’s not happy she’s not sad too.
Matisse and Picasso both use bright colors. There painting is unnatural and unrealistic too. PIcaso’s weeping women contrasts colours mainly red oranges yellow, contrasting with blue and green. Picasso also uses strong emotions. How ever Matisse uses different colours.
Picasso and Matisse both have different view’s. Picasso has two view point’s which is unnatural. Matisse uses one view.
Click on this to take you to the website I got this information from. Matisse and Picasso
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Kiwi Kick

Walking in line across to the court yard, the tree’s were dancing and leaves were falling. I said to my friend who’s teeth were chattering just like mine “ I hope Kiwi Kick’s going to be fun.” My body was covered in goose bumps. So I rubbed my hands together briskly.
Sam was here to teach us some skills from Kiwi Kick. The skills were Drop Punt and hand pass. The first skill we got taught was Drop punt. It’s a kick but instead of chucking it into the air, you drop it onto your foot. The hand past was as easy as volley. How do we do it? You move like a pirate dance to pass it, then bang the top of your hands against the ball, to get the ball flying, into the air. " I know it's easy."
One of the games we played was octopus. To start the teacher’s ( and coach) stand’s in the middle to get ready to his us, with the rugby ball. One of a student from the other class shouted " Oh no Mrs Nua your going to embarrass our class." So guess who Mrs Nua went for? Yes you gussed it, that person who shouted. The only pass they were aloud to use was the Hand Pass. Later on, us kid’s get tagged, so we are in the teacher’s team. some of us screamed as they got tagged.
Friday, May 25, 2012
Robyn Kahukiwa
Based on our topic for this term Art Alive, we have been learning about a artist named Robyn Kahukiwa. The painting that I choose to work on is called Whaine. Please leave a comment and tell me how I've done. Hope you enjoyed.
Friday, May 4, 2012

Daniella Hulme is a New Zealand artist whose artwork “ Abundance’’ is inspired by the Pacific Islands. She incorporates flowers, fruit, the sea and islands in this painting. Her style is smooth and simplistic. In order to show perspective she makes the mountains looks far in the distance by making them small. Daniella artwork is figurative and stylised.
This is a piece of writing my friends and I worked on. They are Sesallina, and Elizabeth.
Vincent Van Gough
Thursday, March 22, 2012
The Amazing Race

Sitting in the marque with my group, the Respectables, I was eagerly waiting for Mr Barks to walk in and to tell us what The Amazing Race is going to be about. This activity was one of my favourite during the days of camp. I was sure that every body else loved it too.
Mr Barks explained that there were going to be 3 tasks for us to complete. “You will have to work hard as a team to earn points along the way,” he said. That got me thinking.
Our first instruction was to gather into groups of five. Mr Barks showed us one of his slingshot, that he had made. It looked pretty neat. I wondered how he made it for a while until he showed us the equipment that he had used. That's when I started thinking. There was Rubber that stretches, Sticky tape and newspaper to make the ball, and also a little bit of strong string too. And of course there was a couple of branches that had a Y shape. Some of them were perfect, the others were not that straight.
We all had to put it together. To earn points we had to be tidy. I was with Tina, Hossanah, and Athena. They were VERY tidy, and they worked together too.
We were the first to finish. So that meant that we could start shooting. David was first. HE got us all 10 point. Then he got more and more. i think he got the most out of our group.
After we've scored about fifty points that's when the rest of the other groups came. First was a group of boys. As soon as they stretched it Is fell apart. I tried not to laugh. But since they did, I had too. We all cracked up like nothing. So that meant they had to go back into the Marque, to fix it.
Our first instruction was to gather into groups of five. Mr Barks showed us one of his slingshot, that he had made. It looked pretty neat. I wondered how he made it for a while until he showed us the equipment that he had used. That's when I started thinking. There was Rubber that stretches, Sticky tape and newspaper to make the ball, and also a little bit of strong string too. And of course there was a couple of branches that had a Y shape. Some of them were perfect, the others were not that straight.
We all had to put it together. To earn points we had to be tidy. I was with Tina, Hossanah, and Athena. They were VERY tidy, and they worked together too.
We were the first to finish. So that meant that we could start shooting. David was first. HE got us all 10 point. Then he got more and more. i think he got the most out of our group.
After we've scored about fifty points that's when the rest of the other groups came. First was a group of boys. As soon as they stretched it Is fell apart. I tried not to laugh. But since they did, I had too. We all cracked up like nothing. So that meant they had to go back into the Marque, to fix it.
Hue-loata was the best aimer out of all. She was the only one who aimed straight and got us all 100 points. I couldn't aim straight like her. Whenever I aim straight, it wont listen. It would just fall down, or do directly the wrong way. It was even worse when it was windy.
Apart from that. Most of the time I had alot of fun.
Friday, March 16, 2012
A little Fairy Tale

“That house there gives me the creeps,” Siueli shivered, as he pointed to our neighbours across the street. “Ohh cheer up,” Funaki, my little sister said. It dosen’t look that bad.”
My brother ans sister had just come home from school and were standing, talking in the front porch. "
"Hey!" Funaki exclaimed. "Mum said that when we get home she's gonna have a surprise for both of us."
Funaki exclaimed. "Mum said that when we get home she's gonna have a surprise for both of us."
"Right," Siueli replied. But Mums suprises are mostly bad, and a little weird too.
"Right," Siueli replied. But Mums suprises are mostly bad, and a little weird too.
“ Welcome” I said as I opened the door to let them in. I'd been listening to them and stood beside the door giggling. They didn't even have a little smile on there face, already I knew they didn't want to even hear about the big surprise. They stared at me for a little while."Don't you want to see your surprise". " What do you think it's gonna be"? " Ok then, I'll tell you" . Mum told me she's gonna be taking you two down to Manukau". " Is that all Funaki replied, as she turned around ton hang up her bag. " No that's not all" I replied. "You both are gonna be taking Ballet lessons".
"Oh" tell Mum I'm gonna be down at my friends house. Funaki Quickly walked out the door, before I could say which friend.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
The Worriors Down at the Pools

“ Ahhh, The woriors are here” I shouted, as I ran towards the end of our space, that we were aloud on. We screamed and shouted with Joy.
As we were still cheering Manu’vatuvai Jumped into the pools. With a huge bomb, and some splashes too. I couldn’t stand not cheering for him. Every body else was, so that didn't stop me from doing the same.
Some people had to hop out of the pools. They got over excited, that they went past the boundary that we weren't aloud to be at. “ Some of them were tricky enough to throw there bands over. Then they could use that to go closer to where the worriers were.
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Ben Carson
Ben was born in Detroit Michigan. His mother, Sonya, dropped out of school, when she was still in 3rd grade, and was married when she was only 13. Unfortunantilly when Ben was only 8 his parents got divorced. This made life diffiult because she was left to raise her boys by herself.
She even worked 2 or 3 jobs at a time just to provide for them.
The two boys struggled with theirr school work. In the 5th grade Carson was at the bottom of his class. His class mates called him dummy. As soon as Sonya saw both of their results she was determined to change their lives around.
Their Mum stopped them from watching tv, and she also made some rules.The worse one was, no playibg outside until they had finished doing their homework. Sonnya also made them both read two books every week. Not just that, they had to write a report about it too. Unfortunantly Sonya didn’t know some words that they had written because she didn’t reach the level that they were at in school.
After a few weeks Carson was sitting at his desk waiting for the teacher to come in. As soon as he walked through the door he held a rock up and said, “Does anybody know what this rock is called?” Ben looked around, nobody put thier hands up. So he had to. Every body stared at him as he had put his hands up. “ Ohh Benjaman do you really know the awnser?” the teacher said. “ Yes I do,” Ben replied, “Is it obsinion?” He had reconized that rock from a book he had read. Everybody went quiet. “ Yes Benjimim” .
That’s when he realized that he wasn’t a dummy. So he started to impress his class mates. Within a year Ben went from the bottom of the class to the top of the class. Insted of his class mates calling him dummy they woud be like “ Ben how do we do this equation?”. He started to become a little bit arrogant and if someone did that, he would tell them to sit near his feet.
After all is hard work, he became a famous neurosurgeon.
She even worked 2 or 3 jobs at a time just to provide for them.
The two boys struggled with theirr school work. In the 5th grade Carson was at the bottom of his class. His class mates called him dummy. As soon as Sonya saw both of their results she was determined to change their lives around.
Their Mum stopped them from watching tv, and she also made some rules.The worse one was, no playibg outside until they had finished doing their homework. Sonnya also made them both read two books every week. Not just that, they had to write a report about it too. Unfortunantly Sonya didn’t know some words that they had written because she didn’t reach the level that they were at in school.
After a few weeks Carson was sitting at his desk waiting for the teacher to come in. As soon as he walked through the door he held a rock up and said, “Does anybody know what this rock is called?” Ben looked around, nobody put thier hands up. So he had to. Every body stared at him as he had put his hands up. “ Ohh Benjaman do you really know the awnser?” the teacher said. “ Yes I do,” Ben replied, “Is it obsinion?” He had reconized that rock from a book he had read. Everybody went quiet. “ Yes Benjimim” .
That’s when he realized that he wasn’t a dummy. So he started to impress his class mates. Within a year Ben went from the bottom of the class to the top of the class. Insted of his class mates calling him dummy they woud be like “ Ben how do we do this equation?”. He started to become a little bit arrogant and if someone did that, he would tell them to sit near his feet.
After all is hard work, he became a famous neurosurgeon.
Friday, March 2, 2012
Down at the Beach
“ Woohoo” I yelled as I jumped onto the nice soft sand that was lying beneath some shells. That made The Pt England reserve look as good as new. Looking from the sand onto the new building makes me just wanna stay there for the rest of the evenning we spent there. In my head it said “ Why would you wanna sit there, instead of enjoy the sun with your friends” . That voice made me think deeper.
I walked around the beach untill it was announced that it was time for the year one’s and two’s to start swimming. So when Mr Jacobson said “ Alrighty, now to begin our swimming may all the year ones and two’s, who would like to swim please come down to the beach, and enjoy that time with the teachrers and you friends”.
As soon as he said that all the little kids rushed down from the field onto the beach. SOme of them even started to splash the teachers, who were there to supervise them. They dived , they swam, they did all sorts of things, under the water.
I watched them for a little while untill I got boared, so I went over to the left of the beach. There, it had two sorts of clay, that we play with. As I got there Zion was allready diggy up. So I towards her holding some dry clay on both my hands, and said “ Is this the type of clay we use”? Zion rep;ied with a no, and she also gave me some of hers saying “ Even though this is the hardest clay to get, It’s the best”.
I dug and dug untill I had two hanfulls of good clay. My nails had dirt all over them. Inside, around. So I had to stop digging. Or I’ll have to spend about five minutes softing up the clay and double that time washing both my hands and my nails.
As I finished washing my hands I sat on the sand, and strated to make aheart shampe with my name on the top of it. I put some shells on it too, but as soon as Miss Muliamaseali’i asked Mrs Nua “Are we were aloud to take it with us to school”. Mrs Nua replied saying “ Ohh were not suposed to, but we can take a picture of it, because were only aloud to take our memory.
I had a great time down at the beach. Can't wait to go there next time.
I walked around the beach untill it was announced that it was time for the year one’s and two’s to start swimming. So when Mr Jacobson said “ Alrighty, now to begin our swimming may all the year ones and two’s, who would like to swim please come down to the beach, and enjoy that time with the teachrers and you friends”.
As soon as he said that all the little kids rushed down from the field onto the beach. SOme of them even started to splash the teachers, who were there to supervise them. They dived , they swam, they did all sorts of things, under the water.
I watched them for a little while untill I got boared, so I went over to the left of the beach. There, it had two sorts of clay, that we play with. As I got there Zion was allready diggy up. So I towards her holding some dry clay on both my hands, and said “ Is this the type of clay we use”? Zion rep;ied with a no, and she also gave me some of hers saying “ Even though this is the hardest clay to get, It’s the best”.
I dug and dug untill I had two hanfulls of good clay. My nails had dirt all over them. Inside, around. So I had to stop digging. Or I’ll have to spend about five minutes softing up the clay and double that time washing both my hands and my nails.
As I finished washing my hands I sat on the sand, and strated to make aheart shampe with my name on the top of it. I put some shells on it too, but as soon as Miss Muliamaseali’i asked Mrs Nua “Are we were aloud to take it with us to school”. Mrs Nua replied saying “ Ohh were not suposed to, but we can take a picture of it, because were only aloud to take our memory.
I had a great time down at the beach. Can't wait to go there next time.
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Friday, February 17, 2012
Taylor flippantly posted a picture of her on internet. But this photo was the kind her pearents wouldn't want to see.If they saw it, they would be like " is that really you" So she made it private. That made her not worry about it.The next morning, she started to notice that one of her freinds, had made it public. Oviesley she didn't feel happy. Because of that, she would be saying to herself" oh no". She did cringe too. She now know nearly the whole world could be able to see it.
As soon as she started noticing people talking about it, she went on her laptop. All she did was try and try to take it off. But she couldn't in vain, which made her even more fustrated. Because of that she felt really embaressed and ashamed too.
So the lesson that this gives us is THINK BEFORE YOU POST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cold at the beach
Sitting on the sand shiverring away, I started to notice that
the breeze was coming directly from the north side, and
that my face was facing straight towards the side. Trying to
get a blanket( from the car) made me not want to stand up, and
that made it hard. So I just sat there freezing to death, with
my teeth chattering away like, the dentist coming with his tools
to check my teeth.
Monday, February 13, 2012
Think before you post
Taylor flippantly posted a picture of her on internet. But this photo was the kind her pearents wouldn't want to see. So she made it private, and that made her not worry about it.The next morning, she started to notice that one of her freinds, had made it public. Now nearly the whole world would be able to see it.
A soon as she started noticing people were talking about it, she went on her laptop. All she did was try and try to take it off. But she couldn't, it was in vain, which made her even more frustrated. Because of that she felt really embaressed and ashamed too.
So the lesson that this gives is THINK BEFORE YOU POST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
My Poem
I am a daughter,
who likes to bake with her mum.

I am a Tongan,
who likes eating the food that they have.
I am a ukulele player,
who strums away in any keyI can find.
I am a person who likes to eat,
for me any food would
be possible.
I am a person who goes to church
but waking up early makes me not want to go.
I am 11 years old,
born on August 2000.
I am a girl who likes to sleep,
a day without sleeping wouldn't work out for me.
I am a person with 8 people,
to me that is really a big family.
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